Analyze a Complaint
Extract claims & facts, build timelines and propose defences
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Extract claims & facts, build timelines and propose defences
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Start by uploading a complaint. Vincent can analyze texts in Word, PDF or TXT format.
Once Vincent has read your complaint, it will suggest the below workflows that it can perform on your text:
Create a checklist of evidence needed to support the Claimant's allegations
Compare Pleadings
Perform a side-by-side comparison of particulars of claim and defense
Draft Response
Draft a potential response to the claim for the Defendant
Extract Key Allegations
Extract and list the key allegations made by the Claimant against the Defendant
Create a document summary
Create a timeline of events based on the document
Research Questions
Ask a legal research question and keep the record attached to this document
Either select one or multiple workflows and click the enter button at the bottom of the page, or type out your own instructions in the box.
If you select a research question listed on the screen, you can click the pencil icon on its right to edit the question before submitting it. This will then start running an 'Ask a Research Question' workflow in the background and when the answer is ready, you can view it by clicking 'Results' on the top right.
Vincent will ask if it needs any more information from you (e.g. which party you represent) and will start your workflows.
You can copy the answer to your clipboard using the below icon.
Please see the videos for relevant English speaking jurisdictions below: