Find Related Documents
See a variety of suggested texts related to your document of interest.
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See a variety of suggested texts related to your document of interest.
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Upload a document to Vincent AI and it will automatically find semantically related documents that might have been overlooked in a manual search. Legal professionals can be sure that they are aware of both key documents, and those that can give them an extra edge when it comes to building their case.
Vincent can analyze documents in both English and Spanish, from 32 countries.
To get started, click the blue 'Vincent AI' button on the top bar, then select the jurisdiction you wish to start with. When you first enter the page, the jurisdiction will match your default search jurisdiction, if it is available from the list.
You may also need to select 'Find Related Documents' depending on your subscription level.
Drag and drop your document, or click select file, to open a dialogue box where you can choose a piece of text or a document to upload.
Vincent accepts files smaller than 5MB in:
Word formats (.docx and .doc)
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) with searchable text. If you have a scanned document, use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software before uploading the file to vLex.
Text files (.txt)
Rich text format files (.rtf)
Additionally, you can analyze any section of text by copying and pasting it into the box on the right. There is no minimum amount of text needed, but your results will improve the more Vincent has to work with.
The results can be navigated in the same manner as Search results, and you can also use Filters to focus your results further.
On the Vincent results page, you will see the following tabs:
All Cited and Suggested: shows all of the results.
Cited in Document: shows the documents directly cited in the analyzed text.
Additional Suggestions: suggests other documents related to your text, such as documents on the same point of law or ones that have cited many of the same arguments.
You can specify what Vincent should look for when analyzing your text by selecting Direct Vincent on the card to the right of the screen.
In this menu, use the checkboxes on the left to show documents directly related to those that have been cited in yours. They can be directly cited, cited by the authorities you have used, or are commonly cited with the precedents you have used.
Checking the boxes in the central column will provide you with semantically similar documents. They may not have cited the same cases, but Vincent has deduced that they focus on the same points of law. This will give you a wider view of related documents.
Finally, checking the boxes on the right column will give you an even wider scope, showing you similar documents based on the themes of your document. Here you can even pick and choose the terms you are most interested in to get the best results for your research.
Documents uploaded to Vincent are not stored by vLex. The only record that remains is located in your History, which is visible only to you. For more information, read Privacy.