Related Vincent
See a variety of suggested texts related to your document of interest.
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See a variety of suggested texts related to your document of interest.
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Many documents on vLex allow you to immediately run a Vincent analysis by selecting the Related tab. You will see the same analysis, with the same options as described in the Find Related Documents feature, without having to re-upload or copy and paste the text.
You can specify what Vincent should look for when analyzing your text by selecting Direct Vincent on the card to the right of the screen.
In this menu, use the checkboxes on the left to show documents directly related to those that have been cited in yours. They can be directly cited, cited by the authorities you have used, or are commonly cited with the precedents you have used.
Checking the boxes in the central column will provide you with semantically similar documents. They may not have cited the same cases, but Vincent has deduced that they focus on the same points of law. This will give you a wider view of related documents.
Finally, checking the boxes on the right column will give you an even wider scope, showing you similar documents based on the themes of your document. Here you can even pick and choose the terms you are most interested in to get the best results for your research.