Analyse with Vincent AI

Vincent can make recommendations of related documents to guide your research.

How does Vincent AI work?

When you use a search engine, you use a few words to find documents.

Vincent is different in the sense that it allows you to use a whole document, or a large section of text, to search for similar or related documents within the vLex database. Vincent is also able to find related documents with similar topics and languages, even if the precise terms used in your original document are missing.

It can analyse information like judgments, briefs, memos, journal articles, and blog posts.

You can run a Vincent analysis when looking at any document on vLex, including your own documents added with vLex Cloud or uploaded with the Vincent button in the top bar. When you analyse a document, you will be taken to a results page.

Longer documents tend to give better results because they give Vincent more material to work with.

Vincent results page

The Vincent results page is similar to the results page from an ordinary search. You will see a list of results in the central section and a list of filters on the left. On the right, there is a box with options to finetune the types of results that Vincent will show you.

Vincent results fall into two main categories:

  • Cited in document: will show you documents that are cited in the analysed text.

  • Additional suggestions:

    • Documents that are often cited together with, or cited by, authorities found in your document.

    • Documents that are semantically similar based on legal language found in your document.

To change what Vincent shows you, click Direct Vincent. In the window that appears, use the checkboxes to control what types of results you want to see.

Last updated